Mark Hanze

Professor Anderson


April 18, 2024

Argument Essay Topic: AI and Creativity: Take a position on whether AI serves as a catalyst for innovation, boosting human creativity, or poses a threat to human originality, potentially undermining the authenticity of creative expression.
Thesis Statement: In the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, AI is a beacon of innovation rather than a hindrance to human creativity.

Annotated Bibliography

Lee, Kyung, et al. A Portrait of Emotion: Empowering Self-Expression through AI-Generated Art. arXiv, 26 Apr. 2023,

The study's results shed light on the remarkable potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to not only augment human creativity but also deepen our comprehension of human emotions. This is particularly evident in the utilization of natural language prompts within generative frameworks for visual generation. These findings resonate strongly with my thesis, as they provide compelling evidence of AI's ability to accurately capture and convey users' emotions through art. By proposing a systematic framework and methods for evaluating AI-generated art, the study contributes significantly to the field's understanding and application of AI in creative contexts. Given the credibility and scholarly rigor of the authors and their sources, the study's conclusions carry considerable weight in affirming my argument of the transformative potential of AI augmenting human artistic expression.

Liu, Di, et al. “‘When He Feels Cold, He Goes to the Seahorse - Blending Generative AI into Multimaterial Storymaking for Family Expressive Arts Therapy.” Feb. 2024, arXiv, (Cornell University),

This study employed the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) to explore the therapeutic significance of generative AI as expressive materials. It highlighted multiple levels of interaction: kinesthetic/sensory, perceptual/affective, cognitive/symbolic, and creative. The results directly correlate with my argument as it revealed incorporating generative AI into family expressive arts therapy enhanced kinesthetic engagement, facilitated perceptual organization and emotional expression, and promoted problem-solving and storytelling at the cognitive/symbolic level. Furthermore, it fostered creative and self-actualizing experiences at the creative level. The authors' use of established methodology, clear presentation of findings, correlation with their argument, and promotion of discussion all contribute to their credibility and scholarly merit.

Lyengar, Sheena. “AI Could Help Free Human Creativity.” Time, 23 June 2023,

This article delves into the intriguing phenomenon where the introduction of advanced technology, exemplified by Deep Blue in chess, initially sparks apprehensions regarding its impact on human creativity. However, contrary to initial fears, access to such technology ultimately serves to augment creativity rather than stifle it. I selected this source for its accessible language, which strikes a balance between scholarly rigor and readability, making it accessible to a wide audience. Despite its approachable tone, the article remains grounded in research, citing studies that demonstrate how exposure to computer simulations has contributed to the enhancement of human chess players' skills, ultimately fostering greater creativity and proficiency. This synthesis of scholarly evidence with accessible discourse underscores the credibility and reliability of both the author and the source, despite its popular presentation.

Wilkinson, Graham. “AI Can’t Replace Human Creativity. But It Can Enhance It.” AdExchanger, 8 Aug. 2022,

This source emphasizes a crucial point: despite AI's capability to generate visually impressive images, it lacks the spontaneity and intuitive creativity inherent in human artists. Unlike humans who may be driven to create art by sudden inspiration or mood, AI operates solely based on programmed instructions and cannot independently initiate artistic endeavors. Despite its prowess in generating complex visuals, AI fundamentally lacks the intrinsic creative intent that characterizes human creativity. Instead, it simply executes commands provided by humans, highlighting the indispensable role of human input in shaping the content of AI-generated images. Wilkinsons’ clear explanation, in accessible language, serves to emphasize the critical importance of human creativity in contextualizing and applying knowledge within specific domains. As such, I consider the author knowledgeable, as Wilkinson skillfully translates complex scholarly concepts into accessible language for a general audience.



Annotated Bibliography Reflection

Engaging in the process of crafting an annotated bibliography has provided profound insights into scholarly dialogue and research methodologies. It cultivates a deeper connection with fellow authors and scholars, those whose works I cite, contributing to the collective exploration of our shared research interests. This practice will affirm my credibility as a scientific researcher, moving me beyond mere conjecture to substantiated inquiry. By meticulously integrating citations into my discourse, I underscore my breadth of knowledge and credibility to voice informed opinions. Moreover, I've found that the process of summarizing and evaluating citations in my annotations enriches the foundational paragraphs of my arguments, thereby augmenting the coherence and persuasiveness of my contributions.

Reflecting on the research process reveals its dynamic nature, characterized by both serendipitous discoveries and occasional navigational challenges. Unearthing articles that precisely address my inquiries feels akin to intellectual treasure hunting, while navigating unexpected tangents demands careful recalibration. For me, the interplay between revelation and redirection influences the research journey with a sense of adventure, highlighting the inherent nature of scholarly exploration and scientific experimentation.

Contemplating areas for further growth and skill refinement requires a humility born from recognizing the vast expanse of unknowns. While I endeavor to consolidate existing knowledge, I remain mindful of the ongoing refinement necessary for academic excellence. Drawing upon newfound insights, I am enthusiastically engaged in refining not only material within all the courses I am currently undertaking in college, but previously authored opinion pieces and personal journals as well. I view each iteration as an invaluable opportunity to refine and hone my craft. Embracing a commitment to continuous improvement, I am confident that diligent practice will fortify my scholarly acumen, further enhancing my contributions to the academic discourse.